What is Political Progress?

Suðurgata 41, 101 Reykjavík

Fyrirlestrarsalur Þjóðminjasafnsins
20, apríl 2023
Opið frá: 15.00 - 16.30

Vefsíða https://bokmenntahatid.is/dagskra/hlidarvidburdur-hvad-eru-framfarir-i-stjornmalum/
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The Institute of Philosophy at the University of Iceland, in collaboration with the Institute of Public Administration and Politics and Reykjavík International Literary Festival, will host a public lecture by Lea Ypi in the lecture hall of the National Museum of Iceland on April 20 from 15.00 to 16:30. Lea Ypi is a professor at the London School of Economics who specializes in political philosophy and has written influential work on, among other things, political justice, colonialism and the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Ypi is also the author of the bestselling book Free: Coming of Age at the End of History, where Ypi combines autobiographical elements with ideas from political philosophy.

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